Saturday 23 June 2018


In the music video, Stop where you are, the first character you are introduced to is Corinne Bailey Rae when the first shot in a medium close up of the artist, showing her and some of the background but makes her the focal point of the shot. She is giving direct mode of address as she comes out from the darkness and looks into the light, giving the metaphorical idea of there being light at the end of the tunnel, this shot covers across most of the screen. The next shot is a medium close up low angle shot of her walking from one side of the screen to the other, this has been done, in my opinions, to show the setting and also to show that her footwear may not be typical attire for the location she is in suggesting that she is free and is comfortable and confident in herself. 11 seconds into the video we see a long shot showing setting and Corinne Bailey Rae walking up the stairs from darkness and emerging into the light. We see that she is wearing a bright red dress which makes her stand out from the background and setting. This is reiterating the representation that she is confident and wants to stand out from the crowd and be different.

19 seconds into the video we are introduced to a new character, the screen is split into thirds where she is in the left hand section of the screen. This is suggesting that she is less important than Corinne, this is also represented by the shot being a long shot where her body language gives the impression of her being reserved/scared. A jump shot into a medium close is then used as she turns towards the camera, however she is still to one side of the screen and not in the middle even though she is the only one in the shot. This could be representing that even though she is recognised she doesn't feel important or relevant. The artist is being promoted as being helpful, caring and kind as she then goes over to the girl who is sat on the stairs to comfort her. Corinne Bailey Rae sits down next to the girl which represents her as seeing her self being equal to the young girl when it is clear that in society Corinne would be seen to have more power due to age, wealth, clothing, status.

Throughout the video the artist interacts with many different characters of different ages, ethnicities, cultures and genders- this shows her including her self with everyone, representing her are caring and compassionate. It also shows throughout that you shouldn't judge people because of their appearance, this is shown in the video multiple times but prominently when a medium long shot of a man with tattoos walks out of a flat with his dog. Typically negative connotations would go along with this image and figure which Corinne shows as she reacts as being scared/ wary of the man but shortly after his we see her interacting/ playing with the dog and her and the man laughing. This shows her as being kind and understanding, this would appeal to the audience as she doesn't come across as stuck up or judgmental.

To conclude, Corinne Bailey Rae is promoted and shown in a positive light throughout the video by the representations created, lighting, and camera angles used showing her as being equal and compassionate. She is presented as being different to other artists out there since she can relate to her 'misunderstood' audience containing a wide range of classes, genders, ethnicities and ages. She is mainly presented as being a role model containing all positive attributes such as compassion, love, experience and influence. Therefore, she is promoted well through the different representations portrayed.

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