Thursday 14 September 2017

Genre Photos


In detail
Themes - love/hate
Icons - significant props
Narrative - plot
Textual analysis - style of camera angle, editing, mise en scene, and sound.

This is what looks like a poster/ advert for a film called 'A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET' which is shown through the graphology also. the image of the girl laying in bed is suggesting her sleeping and the dark shadow and hand with knifes on over is suggesting the nightmare. We assume that the street we can see if Elm street which looks like a residential area in America. The theme could be good v evil, the girl being the good and purity and the figure in the background being the evil. the clear/stand out point in this picture is the hand which looks similar to the wolverines hand. The film is clearly about the girl having a night mare and possibly haunting and following her,however the rest of the plot line is unclear. The clear main characters are the girl and the man shown on screen. The layout of the page has been done in a very interesting way which gets the audiences attention as a faded picture has been put over half of the screen to make it more eye catching. 

I think that this image was successful because it represents the theme of crime well and shows clearly what it is. I like how we played with different lighting and angled to achieve  a silhouette affect, however I think we could have tried a larger range of angles and body positions.

In this photo we was working with the genre 'musical', this idea was inspired by high school musical during the scene where Troy and Gabriella are fist singing with each other for the first time. I think that this was quite successful as it is clear what the genre is, however we could have chose a stronger static pose so that Harriett wasn't blurred.

For our final photo our genre was romance, I think this worked quite well because we used props which suggest a relationship, i.e a flower this is a loving gesture. To improve we could have used a different colour wig as this could be misinterpreted as a drama rather than a romance.

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