- Cultural Zeitgeist- Stranger Things
- High quality drama
- Multiple episodes
- Content can be dark and difficult but innovative
- It now attracts some of the best and innovative writer and actors
- Time shifting, easily accessible
- Keeps people invested
- Lots of creativity
- Characters change in natural and surprising ways
- Lots of different networks competing
- Can show theme development
- Vocab - easter eggs, time-shifting, VOD, PVR, streaming, terrestrial tv
- State of the nation TV
- Things that are going on today
TV Drama-
- Various locations
- Stock Characters
- Multiple narratives
- 1 hour episodes
- Dramatic cliff hangers
- High production Values
LFTVD Meanings...
- Has a number of episodes that create a narrative and tell a story to the audience
- Technological change on TV industry
- How audiences consume and interpret LFTV
- Considering the economic context behind the large budgets
- 6 million for the 1st season
Stranger things poster-
- Setting- Prison, Garden
- Themes- friendship, mystery, power, falling adversity
- Genre- supernatural, action, sci-fi
- Narrative- chase, young people hunting something down, binary opposition
- Characters- young, varied expressions (negative), US, binary
- Intertextuality- starwars, ghost busters, ET, Goonies
- Historical period- 80s, clothing
- ET, Goonies, Gremlins, Ghostbuster, Nightmare on Elm Street
- Stephen King (horror) tweeted about it, likes the show
- 1980s nostalgia
- Set in 1983
- Duffer twins created stranger things- born in 90s
- 80s actress as mother
- Fan artwork
- Trapper keeper
- Duffers were rejected by mainstream HollyWood multiple times, Netflix 'rebels' took them on
- First season is set in November 1983
- Anxiety of influence- overcome
- Weaponised intertextuality
- Fan service
- Pastiche- opposite to parody
- Pop culture metaphors used- Dungeons and dragons (lord f the rings, hobbit, star-wars)
- 11 is compared to ET and Fire-starter/ Carrie
- Creative misprision- misreading to create something original
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