Saturday 16 September 2017

Mise en scene tasks

Mise en scene-

  • Mise en scene is a French term meaning 'what is put into a scene/frame'.
  • Visual information infant of camera.
  • Communicate to the audience about setting (time/ place) and characters.
  • Made up of 5 elements-
- Settings and props
- Costume, hair and makeup
- Facial expressions and Body language
- Lighting and colour
- Positioning of characters/ objects within frame

Setting and props-

TASK: What setting and props would you find in...
1) A science fiction film-
Planets, space, aliens, laser guns, spaceships
2) A romantic comedy-
Restaurants, roses, hearts, couples, ring
3) A horror film-
Dark rooms, abandoned buildings, knifes, weapons

Costume hair and makeup-

  • Tells where a film is set (what point in time) and what society/culture it will centre around.
  • Indicates
  • Certain costumes can signify the characters (example- black coat associated with Vampires)

Facial expressions and body language-

  • How someone is feeling
  • How one character feels towards another (their relationship)
TASK: What feelings/emotions do the following images convey?

This image could be suggesting that an interrogation is taking place. The man on the left seems to be looking down at something giving the idea that he holds power and strength over whoever he is looking at off of the screen.

This image is suggesting that the man on the right is in a lot of pain and struggling and the man seems to be helping the man but quite discretely almost as though it is a secret.

The man in the centre is giving the impression that he holds power and importance over the other men because of how he is standing (hands on hips, chest out) also because of his hat and sunglasses which the other men don't have.

Positioning of characters and objects within a frame-

  • Draw attention to particular important characters/objects.
TASK: What does the following revel about the character/film?

This photo is suggesting awkwardness/tension or maybe that the two characters are exe. I get this impression because of the distance between the two, also because of them both facing forwards and having their arms crossed.

This photo suggests that the film is set on a boat as this looks as tho it is looking down to below deck on an old ship.

This photo shows that the men are equal, partners in crime possibly in a spy film or sci-fi.
It looks like they are on a futuristic ship with laser guns.

Looks like a sci-fi film. Due to the graphology it shows that there is one clear leader who is above all of the other robot army suggesting he has power over them.


  • Adds meaning and purpose to a scene
  • Gives a particular look/feel to the mood
  • Dramatic effect

Vintage lighting/colours, under tones, browns and oranges, dark/deep colours, old house layout and older styled furniture.

Lighting and colour-

  • Highlight important characters
  • Mysterious shading on certain areas
  • Reflects characters mental state/ hidden emotions
Types of lighting:

High key - Romantic comedy
  • Fuller lights
  • Natural/realistic to the eye
  • Sunny day
Low key - Horror films
  • Black lighting
  • Sharp contrasts between light and dark areas 
  • Shadows and silhouettes formed

A) High key lighting. the key lighting is on the faces which is showing the expressions of fear and anger on their faces.
B) Low key lighting. Spot light on the man leaving a shadow behind him. Brings attention to him looking up at something.
C) High key lighting. Natural lighting showing that it is during the day time.
D) Low key lighting. Light behind showing the silhouette and outline of a body, emphasising the horror film theme given off.
E) Low key lighting. Looks like it is set in a movie theatre and the main spot light is on the monster figure in the front of the screen (graphology).
F) High key lighting. Natural lighting and is brighter on the men to show their facial expressions and body language towards each other.


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1 comment:

  1. Excellent work, don't forget the analysis of the adverts.
