Monday 4 September 2017

Summer Transition Work

Task 2)
Wonder Woman Trailer (comic-con)

After watching the wonder woman trailer my attention was grabbed by multiple factors, such as: the lighting, how the scenes were shot, but mainly by the choice of music and how the pace and tempo changed throughout depending on the nature of the scene.
The trailer starts with calming and quiet opera singing, which is gently assisted by the sound of delicate waves. This helps to set the scene before we have even seen the setting. Along with this there is a faint steady drum beat at the pace of a normal heart beat. Whilst this is going on we see a man from the army shelters was up on shore who has just been found by a woman who we are led to believe is wonder woman. This fits well with the music because the drum could be representing his heart beat and again the wave sound is showing the setting.
The music then changes to more of a chanting and as if a storm is about to uprise. This is then building the tension and atmosphere for the viewers as it gives the impression that a battle is about to occur.
This repetitive chanting continues until Dianna arrives at a train station when what seems like Dianna's mother says 'be careful Dianna' then the chanting stops and an air horn sounds.

Task 3)

This representation of the female body is negative. It s setting an unachievable (for most) body goal for young women and teenagers, it is targeted at them to make them want to look like the woman in the picture. This picture is suggesting what women should look like if they want to beautiful, for example; having the perfect figure, long legs, tall, perfect skin, a symmetrical face, and designer clothing. A lot of these things are unrealistic for most average women and it is teaching them that if you don't fit these expectations then you are 'ugly'. This forces women to starve themselves in order to try to achieve these goals, which leads to health issues in many cases, such as anorexia. The 'flawless' skin has been photoshopped and airbrushed to help build the idea of a completely perfect ideal woman and anyone who looks anything less than this is simply worthless.

Task 4)
The big 6 and what they do-

  • The big 6 is the most well known and widely used approach to teaching information and technology skills in the world.
  • Tv and film is a major success in the big 6. Its constantly being changed and improved due to the amount of people who watch films and tv. One major company that the media have a huge influence on are the owners of Disney. Bob Iger, the CEO of Disney earns around 44.9million dollars a year and that just goes to him alone. Disney constantly create and release new films which are made for a range of different audience age groups, therefore this attracts a larger audience brining in a great rate of income. Recently, the film 'Beauty and the Beast' has been released and has set a new record debut of 170million dollars.
  • The production budget is 160,000,000
  • The big six consist of;
20 Purple unicorns walk sausage dogs
20- 21st century fox
Purple- Paramount
Unicorns- Universal
Walk- Warner Brothers
Sausage- Sony
Dogs- Disney

1 comment:

  1. Great summer homework but you haven't named the big six film companies? Helpful task for intro to LIAR.
