Wednesday 6 September 2017


Regional identity

Gender -
  • Typically women are seen as being housewives and doing very minimal work outside of the household and men are the ones to go out and work, therefore bringing in the income.
  • Men stereotypically get the higher paying, more respected jobs such as pilots, doctors, orthodontists, where as women are expected to have jobs as a nurse or teacher.
  • People also expect pink to be more of a feminine colour and blue to be masculine.
  • Women are expected to wear make up and seen as normal where as men are looked down on and judged because it isn't common.

In this commercial it shows two men at a fast food restaurant which is automatically suggesting that men stereotypically eat fast foods and according to this women don't. The second man then opens his mouth and it has been edited to open extremely wide and just swallow the burger whole, which again suggests that men eat a lot of fast, fatty foods.

This trailer is of two sisters who get trapped in a pool and cant get out. I think this has been done because the idea that men at strong and can do anything suggests that they would be able to get out and survive, whereas by the director choosing two sisters it builds the stereotype of women being weak and fragile.

This trailer shows a female magician in a small swimming costume and heels with a group of men gathering around her shouting and screaming. typically men wear suits whilst doing under water magic tricks, however women stereotypically wear small skinty outfits because it gathers a larger audience.

Counter type-

This man goes against a gender stereotype that only women can wear makeup. Gradually over time it is become more accepted that anyone can wear makeup and just because they are male that doesn't make them necessarily gay. Also it is very common to find that some of the best and most popular makeup you tubers are men, whereas 2 years +ago this wouldn't have been accepted at all.

I think that this ad is another interesting example of gender stereotypes and how age is another factor which will set these stereotypes.

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