Thursday 12 October 2017

Super Mints Plan

MAOAM - I like how this advert uses the idea of eating the maoam and his personality changing as it shows that by eating it your day with go from boring and average to fun a interesting (be free/let go). We are going to try to follow a similar concept to this for our advert.

TREBOR - We got the idea of creating mint range and like the idea and concept of this advert. We are going to try to use similar camera angles to the ones in this clip as it looks really affective and interesting.

HARIBO - I like how child voices where used in the adults body for this advert because it is fun and entertaining for the audience, also it makes the advert memorable. It also suggests that adults feel like kids again when they new eating them which we might recreate in a similar way and take influences from.

CADBURY - This advert follows the similar ideas and concepts that we want to achieve in our advert, for example I like the story line throughout this clip which we may try to recreate in a similar way.

Sweets Planning

  • Mystery flavours- old school hard boiled sweets
  • Minty
  • Lemon Sherbert
  • Minty toffee
  • Mystery- Beer, cider or cocktail (mojito)
  • "mints that make a man"- slogan
  • Superman under suit
  • Mint completely changes him
  • In a busy area- pops the mint and then becomes 'superman' and bowls it down street
  • his outlook on life changes

Monday- Filming
Tuesday- Filming
Wednesday- Filming
Thursday- Editing
Friday- evaluation

Jack- Actor
Jen- Props/blog
Holly- organiser/ producer
Calvin- notes/ director

I started to practice how some of the editing would work for the final advert, so I downloaded an app called burstio and used the camera on my phone to create a burst to give a ruff idea of the final outcome we was aiming to achieve, the video follows;

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