Friday 20 October 2017

Media Vocabulary


  • Media Frameworks - LIAR - Language, Industries, Audience, Representations
  • Genre - A type or category
  • Genre Analysis - DISTINCT - Describe, In detail, Setting (location, time of day etc..), Themes (E.g. Love, good vs Evil etc..), Icons (significant objects), Narrative (plot), Characters, Textual analysis (Camera, editing, sound, Mise en Scene)
  • Semiotics - The study of signs - Something that symbolises another thing - E.g. Red can be seen as anger or love.
  • Denotation - The literal meaning 
  • Connotation - What the denotation implies - read between the lines.
  • Mise on scene - CLAMPS - Costume, Lighting, Actors, Make-up, Props, Settings.
  • Audience - Anyone who watches the media.
  • Demographic profiling - putting the audience into categories by age, money and occupation.
  • Psychographic profiling - Putting the audience into categories by what they are looking to find in media. 

1 comment:

  1. What do they all mean? That's the point of a vocabulary sheet. For eg. Psychographic profiling or Genre and Distinct is the acronym to help your revision.
